- 1 hour
- no
- no
- 2 hours
- no
- 500
- overnight
- no
- 1200
- Age – 31
- Height – 161
- Weight – 61
- Breast: 3
- European (white)
- Black
Do you have a secretive and lascivious desire? Are you searching for a creative, intelligent and sassy accomplice? Look no further, my name is Genevieve Marceau, an independent courtesan and travel companion based in Montreal (Canada). Ma langue maternelle est le français, donc n'hésitez pas à vous adressez à moi dans la langue de Molière. Warm regards, Genevieve Marceau Luxury Travel Companion www.genevievemarceau.com Twitter @Missmarceau Instagram @Genevieve_Marceau